Building writing stamina with blogging

I view writing the way I look at exercise; it's all of the above and more. Writing regularly, honing my craft, allows me to not just sharpen my skills, but to be in a better place, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. To write daily, or even a few times a week requires discipline and commitment, so I cannot go off track, or be lazy. I try to free up enough time to be able to write without stopping for at least three hours a day before I have to do something else, like cooking or tending to the cats.

Framing a life for public consumption

Framing a life for public consumption is exhausting; especially if you are doing everything yourself. But now, everybody is doing it, even if they are not as famous as the Kardashians or Paris Hilton. This was unthinkable in 2001 when I was working for that design and lifestyle magazine. At the time, Mark Zuckerberg was still in high school and Facebook was still a few years away from being launched in 2004, followed by YouTube a year later.

The 5 AM Writer’s Club

I woke up at 5am this morning. I set my alarm for 4.45am and gave myself permission to lie in bed for another 15 minutes and then woke up to do my ablutions and so on, performed Isya' prayers (should have actually done this before I go to bed), and then made myself a mug... Continue Reading →

Who deserves the last Brownie?

Who deserves the last brownie? In the “Last Brownie Game’, the person with the saddest life wins. I do not know whether there is a game like this in the real world. I first saw this game being played by a group of friends (and love interest) at a dinner party in the movie ‘Notting... Continue Reading →

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